Food and clean water

for refugees & IDPS

Training & Supplies for

Medical Personnel



Myanmar Free ambulance

General Support Fund

Shelter & Basic Necessities

for refugees & IDPS


Food and clean water

for refugees & IDPS


Over 2 million people have been forced to flee from their homes into the jungles and mountains across Myanmar, taking nothing but what they could carry on their backs. They have been out in the jungles for weeks now, starving and forced to subsist on whatever they can find growing. Many have died, and many more are seriously malnourished. They have no way of cooking, no food or utensils to cook with, and no clean drinking water. These are horrible conditions for anyone to have to live in, let alone the elderly and young children.


We have taken action to allieviate this horror by donating rice, salt, oil, legumes, baby formula and basic cooking utensils to those in the greatest need in remote locations since the start of the coup. However, more and more people are being displaced by the terrorist military, and we need your help to keep these brave people from starving. For less than ten dolars you can feed a family for a week. We are also raising funds to purchase more water filtration systems to install in IDP camps. Each filter system costs only $500, and can provide clean water for up to 15,000 people. Currently there is an urgent need to install these water filtration systems in 22 more locations.

Every dolar counts, and every dolar donated will be used specifically for the intended purpose. We are a group of dedicated volunteers, and therefore administrative costs are low, and these costs are paid for either out of our pockets, or out of donations specifically intended for our administrative support.




Since the illegal military coup on February 1st, 2021, millions of people have taken to the streets to peacefully protest the military junta leader’s interference in the democratic elections of the nation. The military then responded with extreme and excessive force, ordering their troops to “shoot the people in the head.” Since then, over 900 people, including 72 young children, have been brutally murdered in cold blood for the simple “crime” of expressing their fundamental human rights. Thousands have been injured, and hundreds of thousands have had to flee their homes and take refuge in the jungles and mountains with nothing but what they could carry on their backs. Many are starving, malnourished, and due in part to the rainy season, many are extremely sick. Roughly 100,000 people are in urgent need of basic medications and treatment for malaria, dengue fever, Covid-19, TB, HIV, and many other diseases.


Coupled with our food and water relief initiative, and our shelter initiative, we have also started securing and delivering medications to temporary IDP locations and camps in remote and hard to access regions of Myanmar. The military junta is doing their utmost to block humanitarian aid to these displaced peoples and refugees, but we have our ways of getting these much needed medicines and medical supplies safely to the sick and injured. We need your help to purchase and deliver more medicines especially for the elderly and young children who have no access to any form of healthcare.

Every dolar counts, and every dolar donated will be used specifically for the intended purpose. We are a group of dedicated volunteers, and therefore administrative costs are low, and these costs are paid for either out of our pockets, or out of donations specifically intended for our administrative support.

Shelter & Basic Necessities

for refugees & IDPS


Over 2 million Myanmar people have been forced to flee from their homes into the jungles and mountains, and are eaking out a wretched existence under jungle foliage, daily soaked with the heavy monsoon rains and extreme cold at higher elevations. They have nothing but what they could carry when they fled their homes, and no dry or warm shelter to rest in. These are extremely rough conditions for anyone to have to live in, let alone the elderly, young children, and pregnant mothers.


We can’t stand to see innocent people go through such intense suffering, and have started delivering food, water filtration, medicines, basic medical supplies, and shelter material. The most needed items are large tents, however these are somewhat expensive to procure ($100), so we have been focusing more on delivering rolls of woven tarp material, together with mosquito nets and hammocks. We are helping with blankets and towels when possible. To continue this very important mission, however, we need your help to secure more shelter materials for those living out in the rain and cold.

Every dolar counts, and every dolar donated will be used specifically for the intended purpose. We are a group of dedicated volunteers, and therefore administrative costs are low, and these costs are paid for either out of our pockets, or out of donations specifically intended for our administrative support.

Training & Supplies for

Frontline Medical Responders


Medical care and training has always been sub-par in Myanmar due to the control of military juntas over the years. However, since February 1st, 2021, the situation has spiraled out of control, and medical care is non existent for a great majority of the population. Hundreds of thousands of people are displaced, hiding in jungles and mountains, and have no access to medical care or medical professionals.


For the past 6 years we have been actively involved with training first responders and ambulance crews and donating medical equipment and supplies for them to use in saving lives. We are still continuing strong on this front, but with a focus on training medical workers to go into remote locations where hundreds of thousands of IDPs and refugees are stranded with no access to medical care.

We have spent a lot of time and effort over the years to develop internationally accredited training programs and curriculum in the Burmese language, and have trained over 4,000 people in Basic First Aid, CPR & AED, Emergency Medical Responder, Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, SCUBA diving, and rope rescue. We continue to innovate and train more first responders, medical workers, and emergency response professionals.

Every dolar counts, and every dolar donated will be used specifically for the intended purpose. We are a group of dedicated volunteers, and therefore administrative costs are low, and these costs are paid for either out of our pockets, or out of donations specifically intended for our administrative support.

Myanmar Free ambulance

General Support Fund

Help keep us operating

We are a dedicated diaspora of over 3500 volunteers operating all across Myanmar, and especially with the current coup situation, its much more difficult to get projects done, thus requiring tons of hours preparing, writing reports, assessing needs, fundraising and delivering aid across the country. Our core team of volunteers works around the clock to make all this possible. Any donations made to our general support fund will help alleviate the basic neccessities of our core team and keep us operating efficiently and focused on meeting the needs of others.

We thank you for your continued support!


2018 Flood Relief News Article

2018 Flood Relief News Article

The Coconuts did a story on our flood relief work during 2018 in Karen State, Bago, and other regions. You can view...


Myanmar Free Ambulance Foundation (MFA)
Min Dhamma Rd., Mayangone TSP,
Yangon, Myanmar, 11062

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